Одобрен от Консултативния медицински съвет на Diagnose.me на 14 Feb 2021
Consultant ENT, The Bougainvillea Clinic Private Hospital, Road Town (British Virgin Islands)
Оториноларинголог • Nasal blockage, difficulty breathing, snoring, sleep apnoea, hearing problems, tinnitus, sinus problems, recurrent upper respiratory infections, thyroid/parathyroid gland problems treated surgically, salivary glands diseases, head and neck cancer, benign tumors and lesions of head and neck.
Имам повече от 25 години опит и натоварена клинична практика в областта на УНГ, хирургия на глава и шия, включително назначения в университетски болници и акредитирани от JCI клиники. Проблемите, върху които се фокусирам, включват запушване на носа, затруднено дишане, хъркане, сънна апнея, проблеми със слуха, шум в ушите, проблеми със синусите, повтарящи се инфекции на горните дихателни пътища, проблеми с щитовидната жлеза/паращитовидната жлеза, лекувани по хирургичен път, заболявания на слюнчените жлези, рак на главата и шията, доброкачествени тумори и лезии на главата и шията.
Thank you for your review. I'm glad I got an independent second opinion and can now start with treatment with provided information
The report was very useful for me and I want to thank the doctor for the prompt answer to additional question
I have received the missing information and the reasons for the indicated procedure for my little son, which I needed for an informed decision. It was clear from the assessment that the doctor had thoroughly reviewed the provided materials and clearly explained his recommendations and conclusions. Additionally, exceeding my expectations, he also evaluated and explained the previous course of treatment for my son and provided guidelines for care until the procedure, for which I am very grateful. Honestly, even though I had hoped for a different outcome and I’m not happy that we cannot avoid surgery, I now feel good about it.
English, Čeština, Slovenčina, plus 22 languages with medical translation